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Minister Explicates Support from Kominfo at the World Water Forum

Menkominfo Budi Arie Setiadi saat World Water Forum di Bali (Dok. Kemenkominfo)
Menkominfo Budi Arie Setiadi saat World Water Forum di Bali (Dok. Kemenkominfo)

Bloomberg Technoz, Bali - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) held its first press conference at the 10th World Water Forum Media Center.

Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi explained the Ministry of Communication and Information's full support in organizing the 2024 World Water Forum.

First of all, Budi Arie explained that the 10th World Water Forum had an important meaning in encouraging global commitment in overcoming water management challenges.

"As the largest archipelagic country, Indonesia has a strategic role to encourage global collaboration in developing comprehensive and inclusive holistic solutions," said Budi Arie at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center.

The role of the Ministry of Communication and Information, continued Budi Arie, includes providing good service for media crews so they can cover the forum optimally.

"We have prepared a media center at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center which can accommodate 800 journalists, facilitated with a workstation area, press conference area, one on one interview studio, editorial room, media pool and dining and relaxation area," explained Budi Arie.

According to Budi Arie, in terms of content and dissemination, the Ministry of Communication and Information also collaborates with various Ministries/Institutions. Such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of State Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Staff Office (KSP).

"This collaboration produces press releases, news, photos, videos and social media content that can be accessed on worldwaterforum.org," he explained.

Budi Arie further revealed that the number of media and journalists registered as of May 18 2024, at 17.00 WITA. It was recorded that the total number of media that registered and were verified was 220 media.

"Meanwhile, the total number of journalists who have registered and verified is 790 journalists," he said.

Apart from that, the Ministry of Communication and Information has also established communication center posts at several activity points. This team will periodically monitor the quality of the telecommunications network. "I also express my appreciation to the telecommunications operators who have helped provide the quality of the telecommunications network so that it remains excellent during the event," Budi Arie continued. 

Indonesia As The Best Host

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, the President of the World Water Council (WWC) Loïc Fauchon admitted that Indonesia had prepared very well for the 10th World Water Forum.

Bali, as the host of the largest water forum in the world, is considered to be the most professional and efficient compared to previous events.

“For the past 30 years, it has been the most professional, the most efficient I have ever seen,” Loïc said.

For this reason, he expressed his gratitude to the Balinese and Indonesia, as well as to the entire team who had prepared the forum which is held every three years. "I'm sure this afternoon's activities will be an extraordinary ceremony," he added.

He said the 10th World Water Forum in Bali was the most successful and a diplomatic triumph for Indonesia. "This forum will be a diplomatic victory for Indonesia," he said.
